Thursday, May 15, 2008

The History Post -- the old things that used to be on my blog

Accumulated on June 19, 2008, but backdated to May of 08 for viewing ease.

Some of the old blog-works that used to decorate the page of my experiences.

Jarabacoa is in the mountains in the middle of the island of Hispaniola. The weather here is generally warm and mild. The scenary is beautiful with tropical foliage as well as pine trees and other higher elevation flora. Jarabacoa is about a 45 minute car ride up the mountain from Santiago (which is the closest metropolitan area.)

Basic Information

Current Weather Conditions

USA address:
Christina Rich c/o Sara Rich
11533 Five Cedars Rd.
Charlotte, NC 28226
Phone (available in DR)

For Financial Support please send monies to:
New Horizons Youth Foundation
Jarabacoa Christian School Staff Fund (Christina Rich)
701 S. Clinton Street, Suite 112
Fort Wayne, Indiana

Packages and Mail can be sent to:
Jarabacoa Christian School
Christina RichUnit # 3039-ECDR
3170 Airmans Drive
Fort Pierce, Florida

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